CONSS1 Unusual Broken Dishes Quilt
67 x 74 inches
New York?
Indigo and white have long been the favorite quilt color combination of
our country. True Indigo is one of two colors that do not fade in the
sun...True Indigo only..not other blues. Completely pieced and quilted
by hand with very very nice even and tiny stitches.
There is a wreath in the center of each open area that is exquisite. The
design looks like an Irish Chain pattern created from unusual Broken
Dishes design. Each block measures 7-1/2" square. The block is actually
a nine block configuration on point.
The outside border is comprised of 3 strips: blue then white then blue.
Measurements for the 3 strips are 1-3/4", 1" and 7/8" for the outside
strip. The edge of this quilt is pillowcased.
This stunning quilt is in perfect condition to be used or become textile
art for your wall.
Organically hand washed and ready to be sent for your approval...with
free shipping.
Please ask for more information.