DQ301 Early Bars and Postage Stamp Doll Quilt with George Washington Commemorative Fabric Pre-Civil War

13 x 14 inches
New England

This is one of the most important doll quilts I have ever had in 31 years of collecting! A diminutive quilt, which has been created to replicate an adult quilt, was obviously a learning tool or one of her first quilts of a child. The irregularity of some of the pieces and stitching along with the rough English piecing are the clues to the age of the girl making this quilt. In the late seventeen hundreds and well into the nineteenth century it was very common for a Mother to start a child, as early as four, sewing. The Mother teaching here may have come from England as the piecing method is "English ". This doll quilt has a very rare piece of apx 1-3/8” George Washington Commemorative fabric. I had never seen this fabric before, however I finally located it in a museum reference book. All of the measurements on this piece are approximate and varying because it was made by a child and irregular in nature. What great character this little quilt has! :-) The hand sewn binding measures apx 1/4”. The backing and binding are made from an early 19th century home spun linen. The more I study this piece, the more I love it. A rare and very special doll quilt...