F605 Green and Yellow Mariner's Compass Fragment
26 x 39 inches
12-1/2 x 25 inches
Possibly New York
We are fortunate to be able to create two finished fragments from the same quilt. This one contains 6 blocks, the other contains 2 blocks. The Mariner's Compass quilt pattern is one that is prized for the amazing craftsmanship as well as graphic impact....naturally colors are of the utmost importance. Circular pieces are the hardest cut pieces to execute in a quilt, followed by fine points. This fabulous fragment has both of these characteristics. Comprised of solid green, taupe, cheddar and off-white, this graphic mariners compass fragment is a size that is easy to display. Completely hand pieced and hand quilted. The binding is made from an 1840s over-dyed green calico containing the same green as in the compass. Hearts are appliquéd in the corners and the edges of this special little quilt. There is echo quilting as aell as outline quilting. The backing is linen, typical of this c.1850 quilt. Organically hand washed and ready to be sent for your approval in your home.